

呢個圖案,出現喺公眾洗手間廁格o既大卷裝廁紙筒上面,呢種廁紙筒一般有鎖,要用鎖匙先開到。第一眼望埋去,兩邊各有一個英文字母「O」,咁得意?擰左又係開(O = Open)擰右又係開?再睇真尐,原來左邊係「O」,右邊係「C」(C = Close)。

如果唔識英文,純粹當表意符號睇,C 係一個有缺口o既O,O 係一個無缺口o既圈。呢件事另我聯想到電路圖,佢無論幾複雜都好,都要閉合先可以成為一個回路,英文係 circuit。Circuit 語源來自古法語,字根源自拉丁文circum + ire 啫係圍繞 + 行。Circuit 可以 open 亦可以係 closed。但係 O 只能係 closed,C 亦只能係open。

我好好奇 O o既來源,原來佢公元前1500年嗰時係咁樣樣

佢係源自埃及o既原始西奈字母(Proto-Sinaitic script),呢個字本義係眼咁解

呢個世界上仲有咁多種 O音字母:Œ Ɔ Ơ Ỏ º ℅ ᴥ Ƹ Ю Ө ע ع ܥ ዐ ჺ Ո ո,同埋咁多種 O 字:ø Ǿ ǿ ö Ȫ ȫ Ó ó Ò ò Ô ô Ố ố Ồ ồ Ổ ổ Ỗ ỗ Ộ ộ Ǒ ǒ Ő ő Ŏ ŏ Ȏ ȏ Ȯ ȯ Ȱ ȱ Ọ ọ ɵ ơ Ớ ớ Ờ ờ Ỡ ỡ Ợ ợ Ở ở ỏ Ō ō Ṓ ṓ Ṑ ṑ Õ õ Ȭ ȭ Ṍ ṍ Ṏ ṏ Ǫ ǫ Ȍ ȍ O̩ o̩ Ó̩ ó̩ Ò̩ ò̩ Ǭ ǭ

有研究指出,有非源自閃米語族(亞非語系)的文字,都有用類似O形o既字母去標示O音,例子有AfakaOl Chiki scripts,呢兩個語言發明至今約一百年,兩者的發明者均表示由於O嘴發出O音,所以O就寫成咁。










open up the nostrils


the above article tells that if ur pug has pinched nostrils, meaning they are shut because its face is too mushed up, give them a nose job to open them up so that they can breath.

i like pugs for they are adorable in an ugly way. like many selectively bred animals, they are known to have a number of health issues including difficulty to breath. the only reason i know for this to happen is the obsession of purebred, it causes every problem and suffer to these animals.

i bumped into this article and it finally makes sense to me why they always seem breathless because THEY ARE BREATHLESS WITH NOSTRILS THAT ARE SHUT.

why are they shut? because they are selectively bred to have shorter and shorter snouts. i try to look for photos of how they looked before human interventions (at least on the early stage of interventions). the results show that they had short but somewhat reasonable snouts.

it is both sad and angry when i realise how obvious why some of these dogs cannot breath just because humans think they look cuter with shorter snouts.

and along the way of searching you can see not only the pinched nostrils but many other examples of the results of selective breeding or artificial selection such as nearly beakless pigeon, bubble eye goldfish, cow with extremely developed muscles…

all the pain and suffer are just for meeting the human aesthetic standards, satisfying the enjoyment of their taste buds or simply their vanity.

we love animals, we treat them right. purebred is one of the opposite ways of doing it. try to know more about purebred and puppy mills and see what they really are.

is je, the cat on the left a beauty? i think she is. she is simply beautiful the way she is.

open our hearts and eyes to see the beauty in every creature. before buying an animal from a pet shop, think about those who need homes in sanctuaries if you are ready to welcome a furry family member home. after all they are living creatures, there's more to this than meets the eye.







從這個意義上來說,你必須出離所有的事物,才能獲得徹底的自由,我這裏所說的所有的事物當然不止是那些看得見摸得著的東西,也包括很多細微的東西。例如,如果你看到一個觀點,這個觀點令你不舒服,那麼說明你執著於一個相反的觀點。這個觀點奴役著你,所以你會不舒服。這樣的事情也應該出離。不管這個相反的觀點正確與否,或是誰所說,如果他可以讓你不舒服,那你已經被攻陷,你都應該從那裏出離。 應該指出的是,佛教所有的觀點都是為了破除另一些觀點而出現,但它不應該成為你的新主人。你也許經常會變得很生氣,那是因為你的生活裏總是出現與你所預期的相反的東西。例如,你請的臨時工可能讓你非常不舒服,僅僅是因為她擦桌子的方式與你不同,你很不喜歡她那種看上去非常笨拙的擦法。甚至有時候你在街上看見一些打扮誇張把頭髮染成綠色的人也會生氣。那是因為你執著於古老的審美觀。要擺脫這種不爽的心態,有兩種方法,一種是你改變心態,不再執著於每個人必須按照你的方式去做事的想法。還有一個就是換一個擦桌子的方式和你所期待的一樣的臨時工。很顯然,前者是一勞永逸的方法(佛教用的就是這種方法)。後者只能暫時解決問題,你可能必須不斷地更換臨時工(這也是很多人不斷更換老公的原因)。你可能花了很多時間找到一個照你說的方式去擦桌子的臨時工,但你很快會發現,她上廁所的時候居然忘了沖馬桶。因此,試圖以改變外在的世界來追求完美是徒勞無功的。永遠會有你意想不到的事情出現,把毫無準備的你激怒。你有多少執著,就有多少痛苦,要擺脫痛苦,你必須從所有的執著裏出離。

當你生氣的時候你應該看一下自己的心,為什麼會生氣。是否因為出現了與你期待正相反的東西。你的期待,就是你所執著的東西。佛陀不會被任何事情激怒,因為他出離了所有的執著。你可能因為任何事情生氣,你可能因為公共汽車開的太慢而生氣,可能因為找不到所需要的東西而生氣(她把東西放哪了?她總是亂放東西),甚至可能因為你想讓他生氣的人不生氣而生氣。這說明你非常脆弱。你很容易被激怒。在經過一段時間的修行之後,你可能還是未能了悟空性,也不知道金剛經在說什麼。但你還是和過去有所不同,過去你是個追求完美的人,而現在你已經可以容許很多不完美的事在自己的生活中出現。例如,你可以吃一道比較鹹的菜而不會抱怨。所謂完美主義者,也就是說,你希望所有的事情都要達到你所希望的樣子,你希望住在牆壁是天藍色的屋子裏(如果不是,你就會睡不著覺),你不喝桶裝水之外的任何水,你希望用自己喜歡的杯子喝茶,希望茶的味道不要太濃也不要太淡。做一個完美主義者的壞處就是,你會經常痛苦,因為這個世界上多數事情都不會輕易俯首聽命,它們不會事事順著你。要讓他們達到你所希望的樣子,你必須花很多時間。很多人試圖創造完美的世界,不過他們最終都被證明失敗了。事實上,只要把你的心稍作調整,一切都會很完美。你之所以看到的是一個不完美的世界,是因為你有各種執著和不切實際的期待,如果你可以從這裡出離,你會變得非常強大,你不再堅持必須住在有藍色牆壁的屋子裡,不再堅持必須喝桶裝水,不再堅持必須用自己喜歡的杯子喝水,不再堅持茶的味道必須不濃不淡。 如果你出離了所有的執著,那麼你就會變得非常自由,沒有任何事情可以激怒你或傷害你。








「知道啦。那麼... 動物是我們的朋友,植物也是我們的朋友,雖然我們不吃動物,但吃植物呀,那不是把朋友吃進肚子去了...」
「嗯~ 但我們沒在播種啊... 雖然我們每餐都在感謝它們,也有感恩眾生。」


surrealist’s mini story - darling baby

Album, a common term.  The object it refers to, not so commonly seen in everyday life though.  Entities once in the past are now digitized, replaced with 0 and 1 stored in the vast electronic ocean.  A form of existence more like it is a void.  "emptiness doesn't mean in vain, emptiness is the nature, the shifting nature of everything." Affirmative.  The textures of things, a pixel of a screen, the signals transmitted by optical nerves, the images interpreted in the brain, aren't they all illusory?

"What was inside there?" pointing at my round belly you asked.

"It was you." I answered.

"Here I am standing."

"There you were once."


"Because this was where you were before you are here."

"Why was I there and then here I am?"

Finally my turn.  Should I give it a classic one like "you'll see when you grow up." or should I seize this chance to teach you the very first lesson about sex?

"Like when you have to go see your grandma by train, how many stations should we travel?"

"Two... three four stations!" you gave a firm answer after counting fingers.

"That's right.  Just like train stations, this was where you were before you arrive here, you can't come here unless passing through there."

"So!" your eyes were glowing in excitement, "Your belly was my first station, here is the second one, where will the next two stations bring me?"

"Little one, you'll have a long way to go in the future, way beyond four stations, it might be so far away that you'll have to get there by aeroplane or even by rocket.  This isn't your first station either, there were many many stations, right this moment where you are is just one of your stations."

"What were they like, the past stations?"

"You've forgotten about that and same goes here, but we must have met some how in the past, so here we come together again right here right now."

"So! So! You loved me like you do, didn't you?"

"BB, I really can't recall, but I really really love you right this moment."

"I really really really love you too!"

"Are you happy?"


"Didn't I say there were many many stations in the past, we've met and knew each other already?"


"It is hard to even imagine just how many of them for you and for me, let's just say the number must be huge.  In each of these stations you might have been a little different from how you are now.  You might have been a child, then you grew bigger like how I am, you kept on growing up and turned into an older person like grandma, and then passed away just like grandpa did."


"You miss him?"


"You don't have to feel bad, grandpa is in the next station of his journey."

"How is it like?"

"He might come into some mummy's belly once again like you did in mine, or born in another form some place else."

"He'll be a child once again?"

"Possibly, that's why I said there were and will be many stations, in the past grandpa might have been a doggy that saved your life, or he could have been a farmer who sweated under the sun for you.  In his next station he might be a little child you know, or a tiny flower blossoms on earth or a little fish swimming in water.  There were so so many stations we've passed through that every single one of us, every life and even everything around us have somehow intersected, we all knew each other, just that we couldn’t remember once we arrived the next station."

"Really?  I want those memories back."

"It's ok even if you can't, they are all here around us, we are all friends.  I mean people, animals and plants, every life every object are good friends of ours, just that we don't remember we knew each other in the past, got it?"

"Oh, so many friends that we have?"

"That's right, that's why we should be polite to everyone like we do to friends, be considerate.  Like... what should we do in a crowded train?"

"It's bad. I was squeezed and couldn't breath."

"Poor little one, I'll carry you more when times like this come.  So what should we do if we don't want that happen when the train's too crowded?"

"Move inside if there's room, never block the door area."

"That's my baby, you remember all that.  You love little Panther, don't you?"

"She's my love!"

"You should share this love for little Panther to other animals and plants, because they're all good friends to us, OK?"

"They are no match in cuteness with little miss Panther but still very lovely, you have my word."

"And when it comes to stuff, we should handle them with care, no matter they are ours or public property.  Imagine how would you feel if your rocking kitty is broken."


"Exactly, people feel the same to their belongings too, if we break things that belong to others they'll be upset like you would.  We'll even cause inconvenience to a lot more people if what we break is a public facility.  So that's the reason why we should take good care of public properties like we do to our own stuff, understand?"


"But if we really break people's stuff by accident we must apologize."

"Sure thing.  So, I mean... animals are our friends and so are plants, we don't eat animals but vegetables.
 Aren't we eating our friends..."

"You are right, but you need to understand one thing that before animals turn into food they'll have to face death and it is extremely terrifying that will tear their bodies and souls apart in great agony.  Plants are different, they don't feel pain, especially when it comes to fruit it's another story, they are designed to attract animals, like apples and avocados they have seeds and stones, haven't they?  The stones are also seeds, animals that come for the fruits eat only the flesh and pulp, the stones are spitted out and thus sow the seeds.  Nevertheless, we still thank those plants that have given their lives to become our food."

"Um, but we're not sowing the seeds though we do thank them and the rest of all beings before every meal."

"You are right but that's OK, for the sowing part let's leave it to the professional farmers for we do not possess the knowledge to do so.  Without their effort there would be no food for our meals everyday three times a day. For that we thank the farmers from the bottom of our hearts."


"We've intersected with every being, we are this whole of existence itself, being as one."

"And so, is that why grandpa might have been a doggy in the past and might turn into a tiny little flower or fish in his next station?"


"You were beautiful in this picture with me inside."

"Thank you, and thank daddy for he took the picture for us."

"Daddy, the sleepeeeeHEAD!!"

"Go kiss him."

"No, he has a prickly face."

There is a lot I want to say to you, yet a lot more to be learned.  I am so blessed to have you two by my side to experience and grow up together.  Sex education?  May be next time.


scream doors

"please stand back from the platform scream doors." if i were the doors themselves, i would very much like to scream every single second especially when the dooors of another train from accross the platform hurl people out convulsively, people are beging as one as liquid being diluted, oozes out happily and boiling with the excitement of whatever the emotion is, eventually cools and gooes when arrives at my side. the happiness and futile excitment are what making me sick.










這舞者,不能愛這地,她沒有名字,她是姐姐。這地兒永遠錐痛她的神經,是委屈。家務勤炊事忙,曾經拋起四方帽的右手,現在執的是鑊鏟掃帚。拭著淚,想起家裏那個人,不知他可好。他雖然有點慵懶,但家裏天災連連,工作沒關係又不好找也怪不得他。不要緊,五年,讓我儲夠了錢就回家,開家小店,讓孩子上好一點的學校去,讓他們知道善惡,我們的寄望都托於下一代。現在的總統不是已經落力肅貪倡廉了嗎,孩子長大時社會會好起來的,會更公平的,將來他們靠的不再是關係而是靠知識力爭上游,一切是值得的。其實,你會不會已經變了心... 」

「康泰一個菲律賓四日團昨日在馬尼拉國父黎剎紀念公園展開最後一日行程,原定昨晚返港。槍手門多薩( Rolando Mendoza)早前被警隊革職,與上級爭取不果,遂持 M-16自動步槍脅持人質要求復職...


protest superficially

protest is about making statements, i myself is the life-long protest reacting to the society im living in. the way i think is represented in the way i act, dress, eat, love... what i embrace tells what i against, that is protest. the notion is always there that i haven't paid much attention to until recently.

the persuit of beauty, the beauty of the tangable world, like a nice sunset, the blooming of a nameless tiny flower or a lover's kiss are still enchanting to me yet a question is asked all along: what beauty is? "beauty is in everything." for example in people, the faces of my own race are the most intriging, their complexity, the emotions and textures are what beauty exudes rather then the material nature of beautiful faces because beautiful faces expire, true beauty doesnt.

in this decade people are more body-conscious than ever, not only women are dying to shape up but men do too. the teen model phenomenon shows the shifting of value of sexuality and sensuality and we're all sucked into this vortex of sexy/beautifful=value.

it might not be a conscious act for what im projecting with my look at first, it turns out that im willing to put anything on, even the most feminine clothes but avoid to look too feminine, dont wanna fit in to the sterotype of what a "girl" should look, like wearing long hair and having makeup on my face. these are all sex appeal oriented, when a person looks better s/he is more easily to be liked, and hopefully, to be loved, in between, to get laid, in the end, get married or get parted, all these efforts put for one simple hope hanged by a piece of thread that wears out as time goes by.

i cant stop wondering what remains after the earthly beauty subsides for a girl and for the relationship. m i still loved if i strip off my makeup or even if im disfigured, will i be half the person i was? i asked the question and had answer but i was too shallow to realise how significant the answer was and how dear was that person to my trivial life. although this might not link directly, i decided to go makeupless, for look changes every sigle day, beauty or otherwise dont last. without the touch of glitter, like me not for who i am and how i look exactly.

please accept the truth that we grow old, and along grows our knowledge as well.




在飄盪著 disco 2000 的夜風中小跑了一會,不太累,不想太累,不繞圈跑就慢慢切入草地中心,然後躺下,看看四面燈火高樓環抱的星空,草地卻是難得的幽暗,Sæglópur 襯托下的旺角夜空其實也很美,便想到家中等待的人,很想與她飯後再來吹風吹水,就快快回去做飯。起來時人己涼,也不渴,回去前還是想到水機喝點水再走。兩部機,三個小孩,高的二人在左邊喝,右邊小的嚷讓著喝不到,我替他按著著他喝,小孩楞著有兩秒鐘才開得口說「我不夠高呀。」我說你不夠高呀怎麼辦?那我抱你吧,就抱起了孩子。懷中的小孩,比想像中輕又軟,著他用力按制,他用力按;問他可喝得到,他點頭;問他夠了沒,他點點頭,我把他放下,高的己經在我身旁,對小的說那快跟姐姐說謝謝啦,我心裏真是快樂滿瀉,歲月神偷嗎?竟有如此有禮小孩,我附和著對呀快說謝謝姐姐啦,小的扭膩,一時說不上來,我勾著他袖邊又著他一次,他以極靦覥的笑容謝謝姐姐了,又是一陣甜膩爆發,真的很可愛呀。再見了孩子,我也謝謝你們,因為你們簡簡單單就為我無痛無悔地,帶來了很大劑量的多巴胺的一個晚上。



我覺得這樣斷開,我失去了我的朋友。有我從來沒有真正盡力,或者我已經扼殺他們喘不過氣來,於是便離開了。Wǒ juéde zhèyàng duàn kāi, wǒ shīqù le wǒ de péngyǒu. Yǒu wǒ cónglái méiyǒu zhēnzhèng jìnlì, huòzhě wǒ yǐjīng èshā tāmen chuǎn bùguò qì lái, yúshì biàn líkāi le.私はそう切断感じ、私は私の友人を失った。本当にハードな試したことがない私がいるか、私は息を絞めているので、彼らは出発した。我覺得這樣斷開,我失去了我的朋友。我從來沒有試過真的很難,因為我已經扼殺了呼吸,他們離開了。I think this disconnect, I lost my friend. I've never tried really hard, because I have killed the breathing, they left.i feel so disconnected, i lost my friends. have i never really tried hard enough or i've strangled them breathless and so they departed.









「慾望來自眼見之物」,此話所言非虛。電視屏幕中的情侶只是在談天擁抱,看的人卻感到胸口一陣火辣,不得不打電話給她的情人,告訴她想念她,可她太忙,她來不及訴說她的激情處,她己經掛了線。 不是味兒?說不上,倒是習慣了。她能得到就是她所給予的,其餘別無他求。她平靜,因為她對她的信任,與她給她的信心。

第七堂 小說/散文 - 孩子身上衣

母親節過去了,父親節將到,今天在冰涼的地鐵車廂中,坐在我對面的一對小兄弟正快樂地玩耍,但並不吵鬧。弟弟身上穿著一件雪白的 T 恤,胸口醒目地印著紅黑圖案「I ♥ MOM」,煞是可愛。

T 恤相信是現世最普遍的衣物之一,可以想像這簡簡單單就能吸引人視線的東西,是人類共同擁有最大的影像載體,假如有外星人從高處觀察,我們的 T 恤就構成了一幅球體的心像圖,透露著我們的思想,'喜好甚至立場。看到了孩子身上的訊息,外星人大概會知道孩子好愛他媽媽,但他們知不知道,人類孩子的衣服並不是他們自己挑的?對面的孩子還小,挑選的重任由他媽媽負責。十月懷胎,含辛茹苦,起居飲食,無微不至,盼的都是一句話。孩子年幼也許未懂話中真諦,不要緊,穿上了,看見了,心裏也就甜膩。

由挑選衣服時的第一下甜笑,至勞氣地套在蹦蹦跳不肯好好靜下穿衣服的孩子身上,這一切都注滿了媽媽對孩子的愛與寄望。在孩子挑選他自己的第一件 T 恤前,就好好享受這甜蜜的控制吧。

第六堂 填詞


曲: 愛回家 副歌部分

你漸行漸遠 感受是前後亦失據

Miss 評語:「是否說自己喜歡的人要離開?但希望他可以留下,只是現在一刻也好?」詞義表面上是「我」很想與「他」共對,實際上是我作為市民,對曾特首面對反對聲音時所持的態度的感受。我在這裏答,miss 不會看到,反正沒有人關心。

第三堂 演講(3 分鐘)/第四堂 評論文章

第三堂 演講(3 分鐘) - 紅

講起紅色你會諗起咩呢?喜慶事?紅色o既室內設計?紅色o既血?紅色對你厘講代表 d 咩呢?

身為中國人,紅色係喜慶o既,好似新年節日,婚宴等等,但同一個紅色o係同一個中國又會令人勾起另一種截然不同的情緒。文革的一片紅色,由每人手執一本毛語錄構成。o係呢個火紅年代裏面,究竟有幾多人、幾多文物被燒毁。呢一把火燒燒下燒到厘香港,燒到林彬都o係 67年被燒死。

我最近聽過一個笑話,話只要見到紅色,大同重覆就知道係中國 o既 contemporary art,雖然是個笑話,但亦都說明咗火紅年代對中國當代藝術的影響實在唔少。咁當然都因為紅色o係視覺上的衝擊係大o既,好容易吸引人o既注意力,所以也係唔少藝術家同設計師喜愛o既顏色。紅色係暖色,俾人感覺熱情,例如o係屋企加多幾件紅色家俬就可以增添活力同生氣。所以紅色係一個帶動人情緒,激動人心o既顏色。


第四堂 評論文章 - 透過高鐵看社會







"i wanna bring colours to the world" once she dressed rainbows, ambitiously. that was one happy moment in her life. she's now sidated, the colours' gone, she tries to mimic the colours she used to be, which she no longer has them because a part of her has gone with you.


又厘 tiramisu

要與時並進又豈止不與時並進o既政府及其政策,講野都要有牙力啦,整野食都要有食力,tiramisu 蛋素強化修正如下:

糕盤(圓,7") 或膠盒(方,一般唔太細微波盒)

●忌廉芝士 250g(即一舊卡夫 philadelphia)
●糖 50g
●蛋 2隻
●大菜絲 - 打碎成粉 1 湯匙
●生粉 1 湯匙
●忌廉 1細盒
●冧酒 3湯匙
●咖啡 1/3 杯
●清蛋糕 1個(可買較細的方形蛋糕,切成1cm薄片,如買圓形約 6" 的打平切圓片,可切4片,但只需用2片剩餘的必須做明天的早餐)

1 忌廉必須夠凍先打,先打得企身,備用
2 打蛋備用
3 咖啡開好,加酒備用
4 糖同芝士一齊加入攪拌機攪勻
5 分 3 次加蛋入芝士攪滑
6 大菜粉、生粉加水煮溶成約 3~4 湯匙分量,加入芝士攪勻
7 加忌廉攪勻
8 將已切片的蛋糕放糕盤或膠盒,灑上咖啡酒至蛋糕吸飽,倒芝士至超過糕面 1cm,放第二層蛋糕,再灑咖啡酒,再倒芝士,灑朱古力粉,雪起碼 2 個鐘,食時小心比 d 粉濁親~


the jolt of silence

i am a shadow, once an entity, it mutes and mutes
once amusing, the after taste wasn't, it mutes.

currents of men and women, sucked by vaccum of desires. they didnt see me, even if they did, i was just a ghost in orange on blue ground to haunt a millisecond before i joined the current, headed for some one. "i" melted into "it", lost my form, be a part. there's nothing outside it, there's only me, i am the current.

a sorry means nothing to those who dont't care. i'll save this for myself. i should be a better person, if there is a choice. im sorry. i mute.

"there will be others" there will always be. do you care for a sorry? you ached for that who mutes. the emptiness, the silence, there's no one in the current in the jolt of violence.

the feet, the branch, hopes and fears. ambitions nurture dreams. breakthroughs are what it means, what one follows and try to create tomorrow together we'll make our statement loud and clear.



重逢多年不見親人,席上知道我吃素,就問了為何,大家文化背景不同,沒試著細說,就胡謅說為了健康,長輩們,自然是有一抹憂心,但總算相安無事。不料一夜過去換了個樣,兩位嬸嬸突然制出車輪攻勢,對我窮追猛打,說有需要就吃點肉吧,別說你爸爸見了你這樣,我們見了你這樣飲食也肉赤你,你就吃些菜,沒營養,看你多瘦。茹素這回事沒有開關制,不是喜歡 on 就 on,不喜歡就放假去 off 幾餐,我就把昨晚說過的再說一遍,說我面色不錯,健康也好。嬸見我不折,使出皇牌──我爸,嬸說他對我沒意見,就不喜歡我吃素。這麼多年了,原來他不是沒意見,只是沒說,如此時刻,他終於吐露了。聽了這話,人不折心折。我體無完膚,嬸們使出最後絕招,說世界最重要是親情,你就順著他吃點魚試著吧,這羅輯是,你堅持吃素幾近不孝,真的讓我感到委屈,我說我不是作奸犯科,我只是吃素。










"it's all because of love."

you're a mischievous little genie
you put a veil between us

i dont tell you im in a bad shape," "
i criticize you, " "
we bumped into each other, entwine deeply into your thorn-weaved veil we bleed.
if " ", show me. you cover your wound too perfectly while im not clever a girl to see your heart aches so bad please forgive me, and let it flow naturally please.

what you feel is what i care the most,
dont hurt me, dont be fooled by that veil,
satisfy me with your honesty.
" " is the genie who cannot be let out of the bottle.







睇相佬呃你十年八年,蘆薈,十塊錢,用半年,無添加 100% 天然,而且真正有效,也可試試自己種,怡情綠化減肥護膚,一物多用,還有甚麼比她更物美價廉?








不經不覺,妹妹姐姐被禁室培育了已經三年多,首先是妹 2006 年 3 月到來,沒想到,一個月後姐也來了。猶記得妹來的那晚,驚鴻一瞥那小巧可愛面相,搭配上肥碩圓滾的身體(雖然事隔多年,每每回想仍然無減強烈對比所形成之震撼),七嘴八舌一輪道謝道別,便滿的士是「勾嗚」地回家去了,姐也是這樣回來的,我卻忘了帶姐姐來的,是不是帶妹妹的那個粉紅膠藍。



張婉雯 blog - 貓眼看世界: http://blog.yam.com/cym/article/22732495





第二次,愛人發出:「從今以後都吃素。剛才行過始創,看見一張茶樓燒鵝海報時,我眼前竟出現了那隻鵝生前的模樣,白白羽毛,胖胖的身體很可愛,『一家大細』在池溏邊 hangout,就覺悲從中來,實在不忍。」

第三次,一位演員發出,他的 blog 寫道:「冷氣把煱子冒出的蒸汽都吹過來,肉味撲鼻。Nothing superstitious,突然之間,奇怪的事發生了。余問,“你幹嗎?請個是什麽表情?”我說,“覺得臭,奇怪。”余說,“xyz@,香得不得了!“那天開始,再也沒有吃肉!」



喜歡鋼之煉金術師,喜歡「等價交換」那隱約的不生不滅禪意。一直相信一切沒增加也沒減少,而是組合與分散,是轉變,是心經也是化學。常聽說哪些食品是化學合成,就想像有甚麼食品、物品甚至你跟我不是化學合成:水是 H2O,鹽是 NaCl,呼吸著 N2、O2、Ar、CO2 及其他,啃下很多C400H620N100O120P1S1 維生,饞多了 C16H32O2 及 C14H28O2 就又胖又病。





so i see the world in the future, in which we understand that all lives are related to us, and we treat that life with great humility and respect. i see us, as well, as social creatures. and when i began to look back what is the fundamental bottom line as social creatures? i couldn't believe it because it's so hippie-dippie, but it's love, love is the force that makes us fully human.
--David Suzuki


killer babe 一直都在

懈逅了脆糖焗蘋果後,不時就要去 california pizza kitchen 進貢,那種罪孽深種的高糖高卡甜膩,不只叫人越陷越深,再加上雪糕一球送一程,黃泉路上,恐怕嘴角也含著一抺詭異甜笑。這 killer babe 是這樣的:在焗成綿軟的蘋果上鋪滿金黃色脆糖,熱辣辣配上雪糕,口感味道豐富,殺人無數。

有次為晚餐張羅,揭開我從前的瑜伽導師 Sherri 送的食譜,圖片五色繽紛,然而並未使人目盲,一篇沒有圖片的甜品食譜就這樣抓住了我的視線,細閱下,竟然就是脆糖焗蘋果,更始料不及是原來做法很簡單:

青蘋果去皮 1 個切 12 件
1 1/2 湯匙紅糖
2 茶匙麵粉
預熱焗爐 190C
3 湯匙麵粉
1 湯匙紅糖
1 湯匙溶牛油,搓勻成餅碎狀,撒在蘋果上,焗 40 分鐘。配雪糕。

就是這樣,自家製 killer babe 出爐,也是一種緣份,謝謝 Sherri。


原來天蘭緬舒並非歷史悠久的甜品,名字的意思「把我提起來」卻很能道出甜品的使命。吃素之後,放棄了她,因為她需要魚膠來凝固,使我傷心了好一陣子。魚膠,又叫明膠或吉利丁,英文 gelatin/gelatine,粉或片狀,都由煮過的動物骨頭、皮膚和筋腱製成。她是一種蛋白質,為膠原蛋白的水解產物,是連接動物組織和肌腱的重要成分,美容產品標榜的骨膠原是她、小孩子喜歡的彩色啫喱、可愛的軟綿綿棉花糖、連令少女一見傾心色香味全的西餅甜點上的一抺亮麗,都是她。

自此之後,在我內心深處有個念頭,再做一次天蘭緬舒,素食的,只是一直沒認真對待此想法。直至上星期,難得高朋滿座,不如試一試吧。夏季一到,滿腦子消暑食物,西瓜涼粉啫喱大菜糕,西瓜涼粉只能買,啫喱與我無緣,唯大菜糕可取,人生總有第一次,聞說很好弄,然後呢,竟弄得一敗塗地,大菜太多糖太少,加上蛋花,做出怪味雲石二小碗。被無理打入冷宮的大菜絲,終於被 tiramisu 提起來。大菜,日/台稱寒天,英文 agar-agar,由海草製成,加水煮溶後,室溫下也能凝固,本身沒甚麼味道(所以我也不明白何以我的大菜糕會弄得如此田地),保險起見,我還加了粟粉,減少大菜成份,希望不會影響口感和味道。晚飯過後,朋友說不如吃天蘭緬舒,飽飽滯滯的我才驚醒還有她。切好後眾人看著電視吃,其中一人說好吃,背城借一,總算沒有白費。












ecoBALLS 洗衣球

以上產品 ecoballs 係洗衣用品,佢自稱可以用 1000 次,我自己用左半年,覺得真係有用所以推介一下,約HKD400,附去漬膏,親子王國 d 女士話 PCCW 尊尚會會平 d 及送貨, CITYSUPER 有得賣,我果時 o係九龍塘 taste 買。

佢有三個球,入面裝住 d 珠仔,珠仔成份係溫和清潔劑,加上幾個球o係洗衣機裏面轉動撞擊令衣物變得柔軟,所以用左呢樣野就唔需要用洗衣粉同柔順劑,洗完 o既衫係乾淨同軟但唔會有香味。

必須注意:唔可以食 d 珠落肚,不過呢幾個球都有螺絲上實,小朋友唔會好容易開到,但要留意呢點。

HKD400 如一星期洗 3 次衫可用 6 年度,好抵,d 衫又乾淨,好用,誠意推介。

EcoBalls — Are they for real? Jeremy Johnstone



be kind, rewind

不知道多拉a夢有個名字叫叮噹的人,不會感到這些飄揚的黑絲帶眼熟,它們跟菲林這東西一拼煙沒在時間裏去,名字叫錄音/影帶。它們在卡式帶中,記錄下聲音及影象,它們珍貴,因為人們珍視其中的紀錄,正因為其中的珍貴,有時候人們必須將之毁去,把細薄黑帶隨意一抽,就把你曾經愛過的人的聲音與容貌從這個世上消去,只剩不可靠的備份在腦中,隨年月消磨最後在街上擦肩也忘記相認。細薄黑帶完成了它的使命,卻展開了新旅程,隨著風飄到哪兒不可知,然而它們不愛自由,總想找個靠倚去擁抱,變成黑色的禮物花球,點綴著暗淡路燈、六線行車路壆欄柵、啟德機場鐵絲網、山邊巴士站、九龍城寨漫天交織魚骨天線... 原來有很多被它們糾纏過的,都跟它們一同上路,一去不返了。



46 億年之末日初戀

有日睇到新聞節目,講電動車,電動車終於有 d 聲氣喇。原來香港唔係無電動車,香港政府已擁有 12 部電動電單車,其中 6 部 Vectrix 正由警隊試用,另外6部亦會在今年3月付運。想引入電動車 o既入口商一早都申請晒,但係運輸署就係無 feed back。唔知係咪因為想試清試楚先推出,定有太多利益關係要顧慮所以遲遲唔上馬啦,但講 d「為使香港成為一個宜居城市,並提升整體競爭力,港府與一間日本車廠簽訂合作備忘,引入一架電動私家車供政府部門試用」呀咁都幾唔怕面紅。突然間諗起幾句歌:「世界未日到了麼?問我終結會如何。海天一色似赤火,烈焰中只得你我。」冰架都碎得七七八八,化石燃料就快用完,發展可再生能源又好似仲係 research 階段,又話限制多,目前為止可再生能源只係佔緊遠少過 1% 的總發電量,而家係度整場大龍鳳話推電動車,但配套設施又未見,乜都慢三拍,我地同可再生能源/電動車 o既初戀究竟幾時先可以開始呢?



hkiff 2009, 30METHING... is yet to come

想睇毒食難肥,可惜己經滿左。都好,宜家已經 21 齣,歷史比人最大 o既教訓係人永遠都唔會由歷史之中汲取到教訓,我睇你點死~~~


waking up to a cell block tango

WARNING: if you are not a cat lover or if you do not understand cat behavior, please do not watch the video below.

on a tender morning like this, music comes into my life. when mui's ready on her flower, from ipod there goes waking up, i pat her along with the beat, she takes it and likes it as usual, my performance needless to say, bad. 3.15 minutes beating's over, cell block tango kicks in for jei's turn, i started as softly as the performer tells her sad story with light scratches and gentle strokes all over her, and then strong pats on her legs when the performer was agitated and finally killed. only this song has 6 ladies to tell 6 sad stories and kill 5 guys and im exhausted at the 5th lady saying she is innocent and trying to get some rest, yet, "it's not over", says jei, follows me to my room, k says u must finish ur job, the song hasn't end yet and so we laugh. going back to jei's book shelf to finish the hack work, i call it a music therapy, with pleasure, the song lasts 7.20. isn't it unfair for mui only got 3.15? that' s just life.

after the song ends, jei doesn't follow me anymore. does she know about the duration of a song and stop asking for more than she should? or she simply had enough? i have no idea, but my love for them is the one thing im sure.

waking up - elastica
cell block tango - chicago ost


tell u in a spainish way 03

the first person who helped us to find our way was having a beer at the corner in a cloudy afternoon shade, he pointed on the metro route map right where we popped up in confusion. he was enthusiastically talking in spanish and english, showed us the way and we headed that way with thanks and doubt. it was an hour later than we assumed to arrive the guesthouse of Ana's, arrival: 1530. briefed about the facilities and being showed to our room 6, which has no window, Natalie, the daughter of Ana and the lovely hostess of the guesthouse we finally stayed in barcelona, showed up and asked if we'd like to move to another place where the room is nicer with balcony, and that's how we left Ana's. i regret we hadnt taken pics of Ana's, the place was just nice.

on the way we walked to guesthouse Rosello, i checked with Natalie if it's going to snow? the answer's no, which i already knew from the weather forcast, yet it was still a little dissapointing. but there should always be hope, our hope was in mardrid. knowing we're from hongkong, our hostess told us there was a couple also from hongkong spent their honeymoon in barcelona and stayed at her place. i asked are the hongkong people bad, to my surprise i had the truth from Natalie, she sad,"yes, oh, no i dont mean that, haha~~ i dont know, i mean they're nice." after such long flight our personal hygene was in a critical condition, im so glad that we were able to take shower right after we had some info and brief directions. before 5, another long night started.

tell u in a spainish way 02

the tourist centres everywhere in spain mean only one thing to us, the local maps. as we dont speak spainish and they dont speack much english, the spainsih staff's passion was only luke-warm(maybe it was the weather too cold). the travel planner regretted for not buying a well designed, fancy, compact barcelona map in heathrow airport that i didnt want to buy cos there wd be maps when we arrive barcelona for free, her argument was it was compact and look less like tourist thus lowering the chance of being robbed. some how, may be she was right, i dont know, my pocket was this close (1mm) to be picked in metro(mtr) when we were reading the travel guidebook. Pam tried to warn us on the plane, the pick-pocket she met was only a kid. she said it was serious in spain. i bore it in mind and was scared and when it happened, it happened. but i was lucky for they were too obvious in a spacious metro compartment they stick too close to us, alerted me to reach for my small bag, where i touched his hand covered under his blazer. that was the 1st flaw in our journey of this vast artistic wonderland.

unlike hongkong, the blocks in barcelona are very big, one block is as far as 2 to 3 blocks in hongkong, when they tell u to walk 2 blocks away, u have to prepare it's not a short walk. and the premises are also big in area, so when u're standing on no 2 of a street and is going to no 98 dont think ur gonna arrive anytime soon, especially in a rainy season like spring.

tell u in a spainish way 01

it was exciting for this was our first europe trip. luckily i have a good travel planner and we have everything ready just couple of days before we fly on a peak season like cny. the price was right, the date and days are perfect, guesthouse booked, well, partially. and, off we go~

12 hrs mid night fligh was a long long night, i couldnt eat(cos we forgot to order veggie meal), i slept terriblly and dried up and couldnt watch tv cos mine was broken, heaven knows i love tv!! drowsy as i was, arrived in heathrow and amazed for a breakfast was €8 but the boots cucumba cream to my dehydrated chapped face's rescue was just €1.6 . Pam, a lady who sat next to us on the way to heathrow and lives in barcelona for 7 years but speaks no spanish told us people in spain usually understand english, that was a relief... not for long. 3 hrs later, our own act of lost in translation started in barcelona, spain.

i hate myself for the habit of imitating how people laugh, sneeze , speak the accent or whatever sound they make attracts me, this can be embarrassing and should be avoided especially when that person was a custom officer... the officer stopped us talking spainish, i said excuse me, he just looked at the luggage, slightly patted it and let us go with an "OK", inspite of he's good-looking, we walked away and i imitated his "OK". great.


tell u in a hongkongish way

the english names of the local stores and companies are often in transliteration. english words in those name don't mean what they should, just the pronunciations matter to them. like "fat" doesn't mean their business has anything to do with selling fat, i mean, may be they do but, in this case, not what the business or the chinese character itself suppose to mean. and for the word "fat" again, it means wealth and prosperity which makes it a very popular character for commercial names.

each chinese character has its own meanings, when two or more of these cling together forming vocabularies or phrases, their meanings differ and a lot richer. like "fat" again, when group with "fuk" (fat fuk) means gaining weight, and fat here is the verb, fuk is a noun. i find it interesting for shop names or even given names for ourselves, they literally dont follow this "vocabulary rule". names always come in 2 to 3 characters, when reading the phrase, all the characters are apprehensible but when they come together it doesn't add up to a phrase, like corn starch in water, they seem to mix but they actually not. then what are they? they are 2 to 3 different wishes or expectations from the shop owner or our parents, names are the sum of blessings and love and desires. common characters for commercial names always link to good fortune, profit, grandness, excellency. for neutral choices there are reputation, swiftness, loyalty, trustworthiness. are we repressive? not in this aspect.

transliteration is an art, while chinese literature is powerfully poetic, when the two to fuse together it forms really beautiful pieces. Firenze is a delicate piece of radiant jade in cool mist, revlon is from a poem of a talented passionate writer. Kate Blanchett is a noble orchid white as snow. like any other art forms in this world, this one also changes its course to serve some purposes. in recent years, media of hong kong tend to orientate the way how mainland china media transliterate, giving up style of hongkong's own, which i think it is sad. among those new names, the one i consider irritating the most is the transliteration of Brisbane, sounds like Bris "livor mortis(in our language)".



「對!所以單車是 distance multiplier 而非 energy multiplier。」老師如是回應同學的提問,至於問題... 不要緊吧。小時候我經常與別的街童一起踏單車,於那個還有田和夏季會氾濫的小鄉村裏馳騁縱橫,從早到晚,一天下來脾隙是很痛的。


有些事情,其實我們都知道,但並未真正掌握它的意義,也許就是等那一瞬,微妙地連繫起來,然後 horizon 也會像踏單車一樣 multiply 起來,所以花點 energy 也無妨。



"be" 半杯水

在地鐵站(現稱港鐵,堅持叫她地鐵,表示某種疏離)瞟見這廣告,第一次見看不到 "be" 以後的字母,便想像何以接續:

a) beachy?
b) bearable?
c) bedridden?
d) beetle-browed?
e) beggars-can-not-be-choosers-like?

我當初的想像是 beautiful,然後是 better,很窩囊吧 haha,誰叫她是 3M 的廣告呢?

再看看以上 a~e 的取態,便知我那半杯水是「只得」半杯而非「還有」半杯。

你的 "be" 後面是甚麼?



最近所讀的書,讓我感覺像偷窺,透過兩扇半掩的窗,順著作者的意願,收看她/他的生活細節,感受她們的悲傷如同親歷自己的掙扎。我也像其中一位的自序中說,不能不把你們想像成朋友,雖然我們的距離並沒想像中遠。有了 blog,世界開遍了窗。我也邀請你乘我不備來偷窺我,(即使我們相識)來把我們想像成朋友,感覺安全。

alien masters

常常想那些來自外太空、恃可愛以臣服奴隸們如我輩的可惡生物——貓,深諳人語卻只選擇性去聽,火光的傻瓜映在貓晶亮滾圓的眼睛裹很愜意。那些眼睛裹的靈魂,也有著七情六慾吧,如犯上七宗罪都得下地獄,那每當姐仔黏膩著我,妹豬的眼神足以印證她已經手持一張印上「嫉妒」的地獄(貓科)通行証。至於姐仔之深藏不露,我們從未見過她還擊妹豬對她的襲擊,但妹豬的右額角常常出現一道血痕,想必不是妹自裁的結果,姐實在是個徹頭徹尾的美麗左撇子狠角色。有人認為 agyness deyn "cute and gorgeous at the same time",然而這形容根本是屬於貓的。


pseudo español blog - isla del mar

a veces se siente como im una isla del mar, rodeado de nada más que la brisa en silencio, tan aislado y nadie está aquí.


yellow bastard in sin city

she was told to have bright yellow skin and blueish-green eyes, living in a city as u do, sucks the big time.

she was offered a mirror, for her observation of her own condition

she was asked, "how come ur humidity is so high?"

she was scratched, squeezed, pricked, vacuumed and most of the time, she was scared

she was told to drink a glass of milk, twice a day

she is still in a puzzle, should she pay another visit for being vacuumed again?


pseudo 日本語のブログ - 內爆女

彼女の体では故障の原子炉を、誘発される非常に容易に爆発する彼女の物で胸腔を持っている。 kaboom。 それから新しいのようによい再度彼女。





六 月四日晚上,四萬八人集會後出現了一個奇異狀況:眾人拿出一元二元五元十元硬幣,一個個蹲著,刮著地上蠟燭掉下的淚,沒效率但自律,然後身後突然響起: 「用這個更快捷點。」二話不說兩塊木板剷過來幫忙清理,五分鐘的工夫 10 秒完成,唯有急忙道謝就離去。眾人的克己坦然真是令我很感動。


sunday special - the stories untold

all 3 pages


築印 - 妹仔 sharp 過主人婆

一見到個樽已經勁想買套卡,個 ad 咁靚無死啦,點知....

scroll 落去,吓... 喎... 嘩... 車....

望到個天價,再望望果幾張好似無化粧 o既十日無訓覺 o既我 o既卡... 唔駛喇唔該。


講真如果 d 卡個 graphic 真係個樽,我會掙扎得好痛苦,但宜家... 唔會喇該煨~


11052008 mother's day - after

i rang home, dad picked up, started with small talks, and then mom's turn,

"happy mother's day, are u going to yam cha? it's gonna to rain."
"thanks, sure we'll go, we go even when typhoon strikes. u wanna join?"
"oh... so where are u going today?"
"just going places."
"why is all that silence?"
"im just listening to u."
"haha~~~ dogb, dogb~~~"
"dogb? what are u talking about?"

dad spotted me, mom showed up happily. and i made this with them. to my surprise dad liked it haha and they love the idea of cooking for them. i always thought dad wouldnt like to eat vegan dishes so i havent tried it earlier, so... he's changed or just trying to be polite to his daughter.

about the dish, dad intervened a lot, mom hovered around to bring me stuff. they teached me how to cook. cooking could be a great family activity. guess we all are happy today.

11052008 mother's day - before

0900 weather's blue

im on my way to my parent's, on a train. what a pity the weather's quite depressing. mom doesnt know im going to see her, hopefully she'll be available, or i'll have to visit a closed door with doggies x3 and kitties x3 behind the mesh. with a funny expression, probably like twitching of some sort, a smile maybe, i bought vegetables, wondering to prepare a meal for my parents, imagining how my dad would respond to the dish he probably wont like but trying to be polite to his daughter and eat but can barely swallow haha. fun enough just to imagin. may be it's all that fun to imagine, not the real thing.

im just trying (not) to fit in

there are times and places we dont belong. i thought i wanted to fit in but i never tried. i curl up inside my little pit. staying out the everything, mourning i couldnt fit in.


forbiden lovers










a journey like elyah's
swift and bright
caught gently upwards in the chariot of all blazing light
with death untasted and the grave unknown



i (kinda) love myself

have u ever wanted to eat just for later throwing it back up? have u ever wonder ur ideal weight should be 65lbs? have u ever fallen into cycles of binge/purge so much that u became an expert of throwing up and made a homepage to show people ur tips and tricks of how to make throw up easier than ever? have u ever hated urself so much that u rather cut urself good just for a second of silence?

that isnt me.

i realize i love myself more than i thought after i know what some people do to themselves for reasons painful to understand.


hkiff 2008

1. 故城風雪行
放映編號: 25SM3E1

2. 生死分流
放映編號: 23SP3E1

3. 假面
放映編號: 03SM5E2X

4. 怕黑怪談
放映編號: 04CT4M1

5. 幫幫我愛神
放映編號: 22KG3M2

6. 笨蛋?野味?蘑菇湯
放映編號: 03UL4E2

7. 瑪雅黛倫五部作品
放映編號: 30SP3M1

8. o拿喳城
放映編號: 21CT3E2

9. 二度處女Go Go Go
放映編號: 11SM4E1X

10. 白夜孤星
放映編號: 26UQ3E2

11. 倫敦來客
放映編號: 02KG4E2

12. 夜半女敲門
放映編號: 05CT4E2

13. 闔家怪
放映編號: 24SM3E1

14. 笑看風雲過
放映編號: 01UL4E2

15. 林布蘭的夜巡
放映編號: 29CT3M3

16. 收視大騎劫
放映編號: 24KG3M2

17. 夜車
放映編號: 28SM3E2

18. 花渡
放映編號: 23KG3M1



裸照事件至今事發近一個月,警察抓了人,照片照樣推陳出新,網民也上了街,阿嬌發言,鍾生獲釋,edc 回港無期。由最初震憾至現在天天猜想何時得了,如何得了。其實我對相中所有人都沒喜惡,但猶記得最初看到照片,只覺張柏芝驚艷,掙扎是否把 msn 傳給朋友,自感已侵犯了她,這樣不就是進一步侵犯她?最後還是打住了。聞說隔天那連結已斷。這個精彩正月,讓我們對道德作了前所未有的深入思考及討論,全球公審相中人何罪之有:








the core

the soil's contaminated, anything grows on it destined to be poisoned, dead or mutates to adapt, to become monsters as if u can see the invisible writhing of it all. to put it out of its misery, let's burn it all down.

tumbling down
tumbling down
dont know when will we meet again

tumbling down
tumbling down
dont know when will we meet again


生活小故事 - 沒有歌,怎敢說心事...




扮表代學人寫左個凱撒沙律汁做法,點知甩頭甩骨 re 完又 re,發現原來仲係漏左野未寫,不如 o係度完完整整寫多次哈哈

1. parmesan, 磨粉/切碎
2. 蒜蓉,生熟隨意,熟o既一定要有,生o既可以唔落,如果落都唔可以落太多,因為生o既有辛辣味
3. 乾蔥,炒熟微焦
4. 白醋
5. 鹽,建議用海鹽,好味~
6. 糖
7. 多功能香草mix
8. 黑椒碎

1、2. 大概 4 粒蒜頭咁大體樍 o既 pamesan 配 1 1/2 粒蒜頭炒成 o既蒜蓉
3. 乾蔥一個
4. 白醋 3 湯匙,唔駛驚,到食 o既候要加水架嘛,所以做o既時候要落多 d 醋
5. 海鹽 1 湯匙
6. 糖 1 湯匙
其實份量無所謂 o既,鐘意邊樣味濃 d 咪落多 d 囉,唔會爆炸 o既

1. 將 1~6 全部用研磨碗手磨,或用機磨,完。
2. 以上份量做出厘 o既醬大概夠用落 3 棵 romaine hearts。將整好 o既醬用細保鮮盒入好雪住,到食o既時候先勺一兩匙出厘加少少水,灑香草同黑椒,淋上 romaine hearts 上面撈勻,最後加 parmesan 片,正!


healing grins

some say just try making smiling faces, lifting the corners of ur mouth for often and long enough, u'll start to feel chirpy. dont know if this works, i tried something else though, very much like the making smiling faces thing. i told a friend that i was feeling chirpy the day i felt exactly opposite and really wanted to meet him. he said he's happy to know that i was chirpy and was a disgrace for not able to meet me when i was in such good mood. i was just like yea yea ok no pro and bye. for a second there, i was almost convinced that it wasnt feeling that bad in that sunny sat afternoon.

i used to want friends to ease my sadness by sharing the feeling but it was wrong. it really doesnt help to say things so depress and empty. sadness doesnt share it spreads, like disease. i'd rather seal it in, and learned heals come from within, i cant count on anyone except myself. and it isnt that bad to know that. it helps me to be a stronger person. guess it's time to get those muscles of the corners of my mouth to work.