



從這個意義上來說,你必須出離所有的事物,才能獲得徹底的自由,我這裏所說的所有的事物當然不止是那些看得見摸得著的東西,也包括很多細微的東西。例如,如果你看到一個觀點,這個觀點令你不舒服,那麼說明你執著於一個相反的觀點。這個觀點奴役著你,所以你會不舒服。這樣的事情也應該出離。不管這個相反的觀點正確與否,或是誰所說,如果他可以讓你不舒服,那你已經被攻陷,你都應該從那裏出離。 應該指出的是,佛教所有的觀點都是為了破除另一些觀點而出現,但它不應該成為你的新主人。你也許經常會變得很生氣,那是因為你的生活裏總是出現與你所預期的相反的東西。例如,你請的臨時工可能讓你非常不舒服,僅僅是因為她擦桌子的方式與你不同,你很不喜歡她那種看上去非常笨拙的擦法。甚至有時候你在街上看見一些打扮誇張把頭髮染成綠色的人也會生氣。那是因為你執著於古老的審美觀。要擺脫這種不爽的心態,有兩種方法,一種是你改變心態,不再執著於每個人必須按照你的方式去做事的想法。還有一個就是換一個擦桌子的方式和你所期待的一樣的臨時工。很顯然,前者是一勞永逸的方法(佛教用的就是這種方法)。後者只能暫時解決問題,你可能必須不斷地更換臨時工(這也是很多人不斷更換老公的原因)。你可能花了很多時間找到一個照你說的方式去擦桌子的臨時工,但你很快會發現,她上廁所的時候居然忘了沖馬桶。因此,試圖以改變外在的世界來追求完美是徒勞無功的。永遠會有你意想不到的事情出現,把毫無準備的你激怒。你有多少執著,就有多少痛苦,要擺脫痛苦,你必須從所有的執著裏出離。

當你生氣的時候你應該看一下自己的心,為什麼會生氣。是否因為出現了與你期待正相反的東西。你的期待,就是你所執著的東西。佛陀不會被任何事情激怒,因為他出離了所有的執著。你可能因為任何事情生氣,你可能因為公共汽車開的太慢而生氣,可能因為找不到所需要的東西而生氣(她把東西放哪了?她總是亂放東西),甚至可能因為你想讓他生氣的人不生氣而生氣。這說明你非常脆弱。你很容易被激怒。在經過一段時間的修行之後,你可能還是未能了悟空性,也不知道金剛經在說什麼。但你還是和過去有所不同,過去你是個追求完美的人,而現在你已經可以容許很多不完美的事在自己的生活中出現。例如,你可以吃一道比較鹹的菜而不會抱怨。所謂完美主義者,也就是說,你希望所有的事情都要達到你所希望的樣子,你希望住在牆壁是天藍色的屋子裏(如果不是,你就會睡不著覺),你不喝桶裝水之外的任何水,你希望用自己喜歡的杯子喝茶,希望茶的味道不要太濃也不要太淡。做一個完美主義者的壞處就是,你會經常痛苦,因為這個世界上多數事情都不會輕易俯首聽命,它們不會事事順著你。要讓他們達到你所希望的樣子,你必須花很多時間。很多人試圖創造完美的世界,不過他們最終都被證明失敗了。事實上,只要把你的心稍作調整,一切都會很完美。你之所以看到的是一個不完美的世界,是因為你有各種執著和不切實際的期待,如果你可以從這裡出離,你會變得非常強大,你不再堅持必須住在有藍色牆壁的屋子裡,不再堅持必須喝桶裝水,不再堅持必須用自己喜歡的杯子喝水,不再堅持茶的味道必須不濃不淡。 如果你出離了所有的執著,那麼你就會變得非常自由,沒有任何事情可以激怒你或傷害你。








「知道啦。那麼... 動物是我們的朋友,植物也是我們的朋友,雖然我們不吃動物,但吃植物呀,那不是把朋友吃進肚子去了...」
「嗯~ 但我們沒在播種啊... 雖然我們每餐都在感謝它們,也有感恩眾生。」


surrealist’s mini story - darling baby

Album, a common term.  The object it refers to, not so commonly seen in everyday life though.  Entities once in the past are now digitized, replaced with 0 and 1 stored in the vast electronic ocean.  A form of existence more like it is a void.  "emptiness doesn't mean in vain, emptiness is the nature, the shifting nature of everything." Affirmative.  The textures of things, a pixel of a screen, the signals transmitted by optical nerves, the images interpreted in the brain, aren't they all illusory?

"What was inside there?" pointing at my round belly you asked.

"It was you." I answered.

"Here I am standing."

"There you were once."


"Because this was where you were before you are here."

"Why was I there and then here I am?"

Finally my turn.  Should I give it a classic one like "you'll see when you grow up." or should I seize this chance to teach you the very first lesson about sex?

"Like when you have to go see your grandma by train, how many stations should we travel?"

"Two... three four stations!" you gave a firm answer after counting fingers.

"That's right.  Just like train stations, this was where you were before you arrive here, you can't come here unless passing through there."

"So!" your eyes were glowing in excitement, "Your belly was my first station, here is the second one, where will the next two stations bring me?"

"Little one, you'll have a long way to go in the future, way beyond four stations, it might be so far away that you'll have to get there by aeroplane or even by rocket.  This isn't your first station either, there were many many stations, right this moment where you are is just one of your stations."

"What were they like, the past stations?"

"You've forgotten about that and same goes here, but we must have met some how in the past, so here we come together again right here right now."

"So! So! You loved me like you do, didn't you?"

"BB, I really can't recall, but I really really love you right this moment."

"I really really really love you too!"

"Are you happy?"


"Didn't I say there were many many stations in the past, we've met and knew each other already?"


"It is hard to even imagine just how many of them for you and for me, let's just say the number must be huge.  In each of these stations you might have been a little different from how you are now.  You might have been a child, then you grew bigger like how I am, you kept on growing up and turned into an older person like grandma, and then passed away just like grandpa did."


"You miss him?"


"You don't have to feel bad, grandpa is in the next station of his journey."

"How is it like?"

"He might come into some mummy's belly once again like you did in mine, or born in another form some place else."

"He'll be a child once again?"

"Possibly, that's why I said there were and will be many stations, in the past grandpa might have been a doggy that saved your life, or he could have been a farmer who sweated under the sun for you.  In his next station he might be a little child you know, or a tiny flower blossoms on earth or a little fish swimming in water.  There were so so many stations we've passed through that every single one of us, every life and even everything around us have somehow intersected, we all knew each other, just that we couldn’t remember once we arrived the next station."

"Really?  I want those memories back."

"It's ok even if you can't, they are all here around us, we are all friends.  I mean people, animals and plants, every life every object are good friends of ours, just that we don't remember we knew each other in the past, got it?"

"Oh, so many friends that we have?"

"That's right, that's why we should be polite to everyone like we do to friends, be considerate.  Like... what should we do in a crowded train?"

"It's bad. I was squeezed and couldn't breath."

"Poor little one, I'll carry you more when times like this come.  So what should we do if we don't want that happen when the train's too crowded?"

"Move inside if there's room, never block the door area."

"That's my baby, you remember all that.  You love little Panther, don't you?"

"She's my love!"

"You should share this love for little Panther to other animals and plants, because they're all good friends to us, OK?"

"They are no match in cuteness with little miss Panther but still very lovely, you have my word."

"And when it comes to stuff, we should handle them with care, no matter they are ours or public property.  Imagine how would you feel if your rocking kitty is broken."


"Exactly, people feel the same to their belongings too, if we break things that belong to others they'll be upset like you would.  We'll even cause inconvenience to a lot more people if what we break is a public facility.  So that's the reason why we should take good care of public properties like we do to our own stuff, understand?"


"But if we really break people's stuff by accident we must apologize."

"Sure thing.  So, I mean... animals are our friends and so are plants, we don't eat animals but vegetables.
 Aren't we eating our friends..."

"You are right, but you need to understand one thing that before animals turn into food they'll have to face death and it is extremely terrifying that will tear their bodies and souls apart in great agony.  Plants are different, they don't feel pain, especially when it comes to fruit it's another story, they are designed to attract animals, like apples and avocados they have seeds and stones, haven't they?  The stones are also seeds, animals that come for the fruits eat only the flesh and pulp, the stones are spitted out and thus sow the seeds.  Nevertheless, we still thank those plants that have given their lives to become our food."

"Um, but we're not sowing the seeds though we do thank them and the rest of all beings before every meal."

"You are right but that's OK, for the sowing part let's leave it to the professional farmers for we do not possess the knowledge to do so.  Without their effort there would be no food for our meals everyday three times a day. For that we thank the farmers from the bottom of our hearts."


"We've intersected with every being, we are this whole of existence itself, being as one."

"And so, is that why grandpa might have been a doggy in the past and might turn into a tiny little flower or fish in his next station?"


"You were beautiful in this picture with me inside."

"Thank you, and thank daddy for he took the picture for us."

"Daddy, the sleepeeeeHEAD!!"

"Go kiss him."

"No, he has a prickly face."

There is a lot I want to say to you, yet a lot more to be learned.  I am so blessed to have you two by my side to experience and grow up together.  Sex education?  May be next time.