open up the nostrils


the above article tells that if ur pug has pinched nostrils, meaning they are shut because its face is too mushed up, give them a nose job to open them up so that they can breath.

i like pugs for they are adorable in an ugly way. like many selectively bred animals, they are known to have a number of health issues including difficulty to breath. the only reason i know for this to happen is the obsession of purebred, it causes every problem and suffer to these animals.

i bumped into this article and it finally makes sense to me why they always seem breathless because THEY ARE BREATHLESS WITH NOSTRILS THAT ARE SHUT.

why are they shut? because they are selectively bred to have shorter and shorter snouts. i try to look for photos of how they looked before human interventions (at least on the early stage of interventions). the results show that they had short but somewhat reasonable snouts.

it is both sad and angry when i realise how obvious why some of these dogs cannot breath just because humans think they look cuter with shorter snouts.

and along the way of searching you can see not only the pinched nostrils but many other examples of the results of selective breeding or artificial selection such as nearly beakless pigeon, bubble eye goldfish, cow with extremely developed muscles…

all the pain and suffer are just for meeting the human aesthetic standards, satisfying the enjoyment of their taste buds or simply their vanity.

we love animals, we treat them right. purebred is one of the opposite ways of doing it. try to know more about purebred and puppy mills and see what they really are.

is je, the cat on the left a beauty? i think she is. she is simply beautiful the way she is.

open our hearts and eyes to see the beauty in every creature. before buying an animal from a pet shop, think about those who need homes in sanctuaries if you are ready to welcome a furry family member home. after all they are living creatures, there's more to this than meets the eye.
