
扮表代學人寫左個凱撒沙律汁做法,點知甩頭甩骨 re 完又 re,發現原來仲係漏左野未寫,不如 o係度完完整整寫多次哈哈

1. parmesan, 磨粉/切碎
2. 蒜蓉,生熟隨意,熟o既一定要有,生o既可以唔落,如果落都唔可以落太多,因為生o既有辛辣味
3. 乾蔥,炒熟微焦
4. 白醋
5. 鹽,建議用海鹽,好味~
6. 糖
7. 多功能香草mix
8. 黑椒碎

1、2. 大概 4 粒蒜頭咁大體樍 o既 pamesan 配 1 1/2 粒蒜頭炒成 o既蒜蓉
3. 乾蔥一個
4. 白醋 3 湯匙,唔駛驚,到食 o既候要加水架嘛,所以做o既時候要落多 d 醋
5. 海鹽 1 湯匙
6. 糖 1 湯匙
其實份量無所謂 o既,鐘意邊樣味濃 d 咪落多 d 囉,唔會爆炸 o既

1. 將 1~6 全部用研磨碗手磨,或用機磨,完。
2. 以上份量做出厘 o既醬大概夠用落 3 棵 romaine hearts。將整好 o既醬用細保鮮盒入好雪住,到食o既時候先勺一兩匙出厘加少少水,灑香草同黑椒,淋上 romaine hearts 上面撈勻,最後加 parmesan 片,正!


healing grins

some say just try making smiling faces, lifting the corners of ur mouth for often and long enough, u'll start to feel chirpy. dont know if this works, i tried something else though, very much like the making smiling faces thing. i told a friend that i was feeling chirpy the day i felt exactly opposite and really wanted to meet him. he said he's happy to know that i was chirpy and was a disgrace for not able to meet me when i was in such good mood. i was just like yea yea ok no pro and bye. for a second there, i was almost convinced that it wasnt feeling that bad in that sunny sat afternoon.

i used to want friends to ease my sadness by sharing the feeling but it was wrong. it really doesnt help to say things so depress and empty. sadness doesnt share it spreads, like disease. i'd rather seal it in, and learned heals come from within, i cant count on anyone except myself. and it isnt that bad to know that. it helps me to be a stronger person. guess it's time to get those muscles of the corners of my mouth to work.


9 crimes

damien rice
lisa hannigan