pseudo español blog - isla del mar

a veces se siente como im una isla del mar, rodeado de nada más que la brisa en silencio, tan aislado y nadie está aquí.


yellow bastard in sin city

she was told to have bright yellow skin and blueish-green eyes, living in a city as u do, sucks the big time.

she was offered a mirror, for her observation of her own condition

she was asked, "how come ur humidity is so high?"

she was scratched, squeezed, pricked, vacuumed and most of the time, she was scared

she was told to drink a glass of milk, twice a day

she is still in a puzzle, should she pay another visit for being vacuumed again?


pseudo 日本語のブログ - 內爆女

彼女の体では故障の原子炉を、誘発される非常に容易に爆発する彼女の物で胸腔を持っている。 kaboom。 それから新しいのようによい再度彼女。





六 月四日晚上,四萬八人集會後出現了一個奇異狀況:眾人拿出一元二元五元十元硬幣,一個個蹲著,刮著地上蠟燭掉下的淚,沒效率但自律,然後身後突然響起: 「用這個更快捷點。」二話不說兩塊木板剷過來幫忙清理,五分鐘的工夫 10 秒完成,唯有急忙道謝就離去。眾人的克己坦然真是令我很感動。


sunday special - the stories untold

all 3 pages


築印 - 妹仔 sharp 過主人婆

一見到個樽已經勁想買套卡,個 ad 咁靚無死啦,點知....

scroll 落去,吓... 喎... 嘩... 車....

望到個天價,再望望果幾張好似無化粧 o既十日無訓覺 o既我 o既卡... 唔駛喇唔該。


講真如果 d 卡個 graphic 真係個樽,我會掙扎得好痛苦,但宜家... 唔會喇該煨~


11052008 mother's day - after

i rang home, dad picked up, started with small talks, and then mom's turn,

"happy mother's day, are u going to yam cha? it's gonna to rain."
"thanks, sure we'll go, we go even when typhoon strikes. u wanna join?"
"oh... so where are u going today?"
"just going places."
"why is all that silence?"
"im just listening to u."
"haha~~~ dogb, dogb~~~"
"dogb? what are u talking about?"

dad spotted me, mom showed up happily. and i made this with them. to my surprise dad liked it haha and they love the idea of cooking for them. i always thought dad wouldnt like to eat vegan dishes so i havent tried it earlier, so... he's changed or just trying to be polite to his daughter.

about the dish, dad intervened a lot, mom hovered around to bring me stuff. they teached me how to cook. cooking could be a great family activity. guess we all are happy today.

11052008 mother's day - before

0900 weather's blue

im on my way to my parent's, on a train. what a pity the weather's quite depressing. mom doesnt know im going to see her, hopefully she'll be available, or i'll have to visit a closed door with doggies x3 and kitties x3 behind the mesh. with a funny expression, probably like twitching of some sort, a smile maybe, i bought vegetables, wondering to prepare a meal for my parents, imagining how my dad would respond to the dish he probably wont like but trying to be polite to his daughter and eat but can barely swallow haha. fun enough just to imagin. may be it's all that fun to imagine, not the real thing.

im just trying (not) to fit in

there are times and places we dont belong. i thought i wanted to fit in but i never tried. i curl up inside my little pit. staying out the everything, mourning i couldnt fit in.
