tell u in a spainish way 03

the first person who helped us to find our way was having a beer at the corner in a cloudy afternoon shade, he pointed on the metro route map right where we popped up in confusion. he was enthusiastically talking in spanish and english, showed us the way and we headed that way with thanks and doubt. it was an hour later than we assumed to arrive the guesthouse of Ana's, arrival: 1530. briefed about the facilities and being showed to our room 6, which has no window, Natalie, the daughter of Ana and the lovely hostess of the guesthouse we finally stayed in barcelona, showed up and asked if we'd like to move to another place where the room is nicer with balcony, and that's how we left Ana's. i regret we hadnt taken pics of Ana's, the place was just nice.

on the way we walked to guesthouse Rosello, i checked with Natalie if it's going to snow? the answer's no, which i already knew from the weather forcast, yet it was still a little dissapointing. but there should always be hope, our hope was in mardrid. knowing we're from hongkong, our hostess told us there was a couple also from hongkong spent their honeymoon in barcelona and stayed at her place. i asked are the hongkong people bad, to my surprise i had the truth from Natalie, she sad,"yes, oh, no i dont mean that, haha~~ i dont know, i mean they're nice." after such long flight our personal hygene was in a critical condition, im so glad that we were able to take shower right after we had some info and brief directions. before 5, another long night started.
