ecoBALLS 洗衣球

以上產品 ecoballs 係洗衣用品,佢自稱可以用 1000 次,我自己用左半年,覺得真係有用所以推介一下,約HKD400,附去漬膏,親子王國 d 女士話 PCCW 尊尚會會平 d 及送貨, CITYSUPER 有得賣,我果時 o係九龍塘 taste 買。

佢有三個球,入面裝住 d 珠仔,珠仔成份係溫和清潔劑,加上幾個球o係洗衣機裏面轉動撞擊令衣物變得柔軟,所以用左呢樣野就唔需要用洗衣粉同柔順劑,洗完 o既衫係乾淨同軟但唔會有香味。

必須注意:唔可以食 d 珠落肚,不過呢幾個球都有螺絲上實,小朋友唔會好容易開到,但要留意呢點。

HKD400 如一星期洗 3 次衫可用 6 年度,好抵,d 衫又乾淨,好用,誠意推介。

EcoBalls — Are they for real? Jeremy Johnstone



be kind, rewind

不知道多拉a夢有個名字叫叮噹的人,不會感到這些飄揚的黑絲帶眼熟,它們跟菲林這東西一拼煙沒在時間裏去,名字叫錄音/影帶。它們在卡式帶中,記錄下聲音及影象,它們珍貴,因為人們珍視其中的紀錄,正因為其中的珍貴,有時候人們必須將之毁去,把細薄黑帶隨意一抽,就把你曾經愛過的人的聲音與容貌從這個世上消去,只剩不可靠的備份在腦中,隨年月消磨最後在街上擦肩也忘記相認。細薄黑帶完成了它的使命,卻展開了新旅程,隨著風飄到哪兒不可知,然而它們不愛自由,總想找個靠倚去擁抱,變成黑色的禮物花球,點綴著暗淡路燈、六線行車路壆欄柵、啟德機場鐵絲網、山邊巴士站、九龍城寨漫天交織魚骨天線... 原來有很多被它們糾纏過的,都跟它們一同上路,一去不返了。



46 億年之末日初戀

有日睇到新聞節目,講電動車,電動車終於有 d 聲氣喇。原來香港唔係無電動車,香港政府已擁有 12 部電動電單車,其中 6 部 Vectrix 正由警隊試用,另外6部亦會在今年3月付運。想引入電動車 o既入口商一早都申請晒,但係運輸署就係無 feed back。唔知係咪因為想試清試楚先推出,定有太多利益關係要顧慮所以遲遲唔上馬啦,但講 d「為使香港成為一個宜居城市,並提升整體競爭力,港府與一間日本車廠簽訂合作備忘,引入一架電動私家車供政府部門試用」呀咁都幾唔怕面紅。突然間諗起幾句歌:「世界未日到了麼?問我終結會如何。海天一色似赤火,烈焰中只得你我。」冰架都碎得七七八八,化石燃料就快用完,發展可再生能源又好似仲係 research 階段,又話限制多,目前為止可再生能源只係佔緊遠少過 1% 的總發電量,而家係度整場大龍鳳話推電動車,但配套設施又未見,乜都慢三拍,我地同可再生能源/電動車 o既初戀究竟幾時先可以開始呢?



hkiff 2009, 30METHING... is yet to come

想睇毒食難肥,可惜己經滿左。都好,宜家已經 21 齣,歷史比人最大 o既教訓係人永遠都唔會由歷史之中汲取到教訓,我睇你點死~~~


waking up to a cell block tango

WARNING: if you are not a cat lover or if you do not understand cat behavior, please do not watch the video below.

on a tender morning like this, music comes into my life. when mui's ready on her flower, from ipod there goes waking up, i pat her along with the beat, she takes it and likes it as usual, my performance needless to say, bad. 3.15 minutes beating's over, cell block tango kicks in for jei's turn, i started as softly as the performer tells her sad story with light scratches and gentle strokes all over her, and then strong pats on her legs when the performer was agitated and finally killed. only this song has 6 ladies to tell 6 sad stories and kill 5 guys and im exhausted at the 5th lady saying she is innocent and trying to get some rest, yet, "it's not over", says jei, follows me to my room, k says u must finish ur job, the song hasn't end yet and so we laugh. going back to jei's book shelf to finish the hack work, i call it a music therapy, with pleasure, the song lasts 7.20. isn't it unfair for mui only got 3.15? that' s just life.

after the song ends, jei doesn't follow me anymore. does she know about the duration of a song and stop asking for more than she should? or she simply had enough? i have no idea, but my love for them is the one thing im sure.

waking up - elastica
cell block tango - chicago ost