protest superficially

protest is about making statements, i myself is the life-long protest reacting to the society im living in. the way i think is represented in the way i act, dress, eat, love... what i embrace tells what i against, that is protest. the notion is always there that i haven't paid much attention to until recently.

the persuit of beauty, the beauty of the tangable world, like a nice sunset, the blooming of a nameless tiny flower or a lover's kiss are still enchanting to me yet a question is asked all along: what beauty is? "beauty is in everything." for example in people, the faces of my own race are the most intriging, their complexity, the emotions and textures are what beauty exudes rather then the material nature of beautiful faces because beautiful faces expire, true beauty doesnt.

in this decade people are more body-conscious than ever, not only women are dying to shape up but men do too. the teen model phenomenon shows the shifting of value of sexuality and sensuality and we're all sucked into this vortex of sexy/beautifful=value.

it might not be a conscious act for what im projecting with my look at first, it turns out that im willing to put anything on, even the most feminine clothes but avoid to look too feminine, dont wanna fit in to the sterotype of what a "girl" should look, like wearing long hair and having makeup on my face. these are all sex appeal oriented, when a person looks better s/he is more easily to be liked, and hopefully, to be loved, in between, to get laid, in the end, get married or get parted, all these efforts put for one simple hope hanged by a piece of thread that wears out as time goes by.

i cant stop wondering what remains after the earthly beauty subsides for a girl and for the relationship. m i still loved if i strip off my makeup or even if im disfigured, will i be half the person i was? i asked the question and had answer but i was too shallow to realise how significant the answer was and how dear was that person to my trivial life. although this might not link directly, i decided to go makeupless, for look changes every sigle day, beauty or otherwise dont last. without the touch of glitter, like me not for who i am and how i look exactly.

please accept the truth that we grow old, and along grows our knowledge as well.
